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vox, philia, music, chamber, choir, chorus, reading


Vox Philia is a premiere chamber choir located in Reading, Pennsylvania. Since 2013, the choir has been achieving regional recognition, performing works from a wide range of musical periods and styles.

Why "Vox Philia"?

While “VOX” refers to voice, “PHILIA” is one of four Greek words for love, specifically, the love between friends.  Aristotle defined this love as a pure delight in one another's company, and more profoundly, as an enjoyment of one another's character, even wanting what is best for others at the expense of one’s self.

Help Support Us

Vox Philia is very dependent on and very appreciative of your support. To learn how you help us, please view our Support page.

Upcoming Concert

Dec 22 Vox Philia(10 x 7.5 in) (1920 x 1080 px).jpg

Season Sponsors

RMF Logo - Color.png
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